
Help: remote-url

The "remote-url" command:

Usage: fossil remote ?SUBCOMMAND ...?

View or modify the set of remote repository sync URLs used as the target in any command that uses the sync protocol: "sync", "push", and "pull", plus all other commands that trigger Fossil's autosync feature. (Collectively, "sync operations".)

See "fossil help clone" for the format of these sync URLs.

Fossil implicitly sets the default remote sync URL from the initial "clone" or "open URL" command for a repository, then may subsequently change it when given a URL in commands that take a sync URL, except when given the --once flag. Fossil uses this new sync URL as its default when not explicitly given one in subsequent sync operations.

Named remotes added by "remote add" allow use of those names in place of a sync URL in any command that takes one.

The full name of this command is "remote-url", but we anticipate no future collision from use of its shortened form "remote".

fossil remote

With no arguments, this command shows the current default remote URL. If there is no default, it shows "off".

fossil remote add NAME URL

Add a new named URL to the set of remote sync URLs for use in place of a sync URL in commands that take one.

fossil remote delete NAME

Delete a sync URL previously added by the "add" subcommand.

fossil remote list|ls

Show all remote repository sync URLs.

fossil remote off

Forget the default sync URL, disabling autosync. Combined with named sync URLs, it allows canceling this "airplane mode" with "fossil remote NAME" to select a previously-set named URL.

To disable use of the default remote without forgetting its URL, say "fossil set autosync 0" instead.

fossil remote REF

Make REF the new default URL, replacing the prior default. REF may be a URL or a NAME from a prior "add".